Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Budget gripes

I’ve been reading personal finance books like crazy lately with mixed emotions. They are helpful, but I’ve also got some bones with them.

Most financial books will tell you MUST start your financial future with a budget.
I hate this. It makes me discouraged and I want to put the book down.

I’ve tried them before and couldn’t stick to them. I also had a really hard time figuring out how my student lifestyle worked with a budget. Some months you get more hours at the coffee shop, another quarter you get a grant, but until now I’ve never had a dependable number that would come in every month. It seems most financial gurus believe everyone has a salary.

News flash- not everyone has a dependable salary!


QL girl said...

I know what you mean! When I was a student I never had a do you budget if you don't have any money? haha. I guess I've always been overly cautious, because I kept track of what money I had, and since I had no fixed expenses I just made sure I always had money in the bank. No money, no outings. In that sense it was relatively easy for me.

So Cal Savvy said...

Yeah, I tried doing that. However, there was always this nagging sense of "I'm young and want to have fun". I ended up doing fine, however, it's no wonder so many of my friends came out with some serious credit card debt...